Meet Ailish (copy)

Meet Ailish...

Ailish is an Accredited Certified Emotional Freedom Techniques Practitioner (aka Eft tapping) who works with parents to help them reduce their stress and anxiety, create more guilt free time for themselves, build more peaceful relationships with their kids and/or significant others and experience more joy in their lives.

Through her work with parents she empowers them to play an active role in their  journey, develop a healthy relationship with all of their emotions, and overcome blocks and limiting beliefs that may be standing in their way to creating their ideal life.

Ailish is a parent of 2 and has first hand experience being a parent, trying to hold it all together while struggling with anxiety and worry. In 2018 she was introduced to EFT and experienced amazing results including building a healthy relationship with her anxiety, easily managing daily stressors and experiencing the positive ripple effect on her family and her relationships when she prioritized her self care. 

Since 2021 Ailish has been a Certified EFT Practitioner and is passionate about sharing this amazing  life changing tool with others so they too can create a life they desire.

Ailish lives in Victoria British Columbia. She enjoys going on adventures with her family,  the outdoors, traveling, quiet time at home and never ending opportunities to learn and grow.



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